So... my smartphone took a dive in the toilet. literally so I had to change it. And I was really sad because it was a graduation gift from my family, but I couldn't stay without a phone, not with my new job so I bought the new version of my old one. I had a Lumia 900, now I have a Lumia 930 and it's awesome! I know... everyone is about iPhone but i really don't like it.... I tried it, twice, but I couldn't love it so I went back to my Nokia obsession. Then, my job... it's going well, I'm never home though... so I had to leave some of my tv shows... well a few of them I didn't enjoyed watching them anymore (such as Arrow which was my last love and it has been the tv show that went from love to hate in a giffy, literally in seconds after the premiere... and Chicago Fire, too... They killed... i'm not going to say who, maybe you didn't watched it in your country). But anyway, who got time? I'm out from 7 am till 9 pm... when I get home I just want to eat and go to sleep... And December will start soon :D yeay for Christmas! I already started to plan Christmas lunch since I won't be home during December, already prepared some treats for my guests and planned the decorations :D I really can't wait for next Sunday witch will be the day when I put decos in my house :D That's all for now :D